
SpriteSpot Business Cards

Help spread the word about SpriteSpot.com!

Quite a few members have asked about business cards that they can print and hand out at car shows and other events to try and help spread the word about SpriteSpot.com. Well here they are (in PDF format)!

Keep a few in your glove box (or door pockets) and be prepared the next time you see a Spridget on the road!

Download our SpriteSpot.com Business Cards!

Out business cards are formatted for Avery 8371. You can buy pre-perforated card stock (from Staples, or OfficeMax or the like) and print them on your ink jet or laser printer (or if you prefer, print them on regular paper and cut them with a scissors). The file contains front and back versions (so you can print "double-sided" if supported by your printer).

Simple "right-click" the link below, and select "Save target as..." to save a copy of the PDF file to your computer:

SpriteSpot.com Business Cards (Avery 8371)

On more caveat--When you print, be sure that you have "Page Scaling" set to "None" when the print dialog box opens--otherwise your Adobe software may try and resize the file when it prints, and the alignment on any pre-perforated card stock may be off.

This may be a bit different depending on what software and/or printers you have installed, but just check to be sure the Page Scaling is turned off if you have any printing alignment issues. If you have any troubles, please email me.

As always, thanks for your patience, and for your continued support of SpriteSpot.com!

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